Weekblog #105: In Italy, it’s written in the stars

That Italy would enrich my taste buds, teach me to be even more expressive and bless me with endless fashion inspiration, were things I knew even before moving to Rome. No doubt you have experienced this yourself: even a short holiday abroad has this effect. Every single country and all of their cultures broaden your horizon and enrich your view of the world. And that, of course, is what makes travelling so incredibly fun. But what I like even more is how a new country can surprise you in ways that are way less obvious. By always staying curious and being as less judgemental as possible, whole new and unknown worlds can open up for you, as I got to experience here in Italy myself. 

When I reveal my sign, people raise their eyebrows nine times out of ten

It’s quite common that someone you’ve only just met asks you “ma tu, che segno sei?”, which means, “wat zodiac sign are you?”. People don’t consider it a weird question, and the general characteristics of the zodiac signs are widely known. Leos are stubborn and fiery, Pisces are dreamy and romantic and a Libra is always indecisive. However, when I reveal my sign, people raise their eyebrows nine times out of ten. Born on the second of January, it makes me a Capricorn which is characterised by hard work, owning the very best planning skills, a serious personality and choosing reason over emotion. I don’t think there is a single sign that is less applicable to me than Capricorn, although I must admit that I would like to have some of those characteristics. All my life, I showed very little interest in astrology for exactly that reason. Until I moved to Italy and was asked about my sign by literally everyone. From my new landlord to my friends. My curiosity was aroused and I wanted to learn more. 

While I took a bite of my pizza, I watched in fascination how he continuoud to move his glass and the water bottle around to explain the movements of the stars in the universe

An Italian acquaintance of mine, the type of successful businessman with several thriving companies, was captivated by a passion for astrology a few years ago. He then decided to study it and now he can call himself a qualified astrologer. He applies this knowledge to his business too. Not exactly the type of person you’d expect to make important choices based on the position of the stars, right? According to him, almost all life events that you encounter on your path can be traced back to the position of the stars in relation to your zodiac sign. Sounds a little like a witch craft? I always thought so too. Until last Thursday, when he explained it all to me while enjoying a pizza in one of those typical Roman pizzerias. How the stars always move in such a way that they are positioned at exact mathematical angles of 30 degrees to each other. And while I took a bite of my pizza, I watched in fascination how he continuoud to move his glass and the water bottle around to explain the movements of the stars in the universe.

Where we usually only know our sun sign, all the planets had a specific position at the time you were born. And all of those planets represent a different part of you, so the astrologer-businessman explained to me

Next, I brought up the fact that my zodiac sign doesn’t seem to apply to me at all, as it is so far off in terms of the description of my personality. He then explained to me the concept of the “carta natale”, or in other words, the complete reflection of the Milky Way at the exact moment of your birth. Where we usually only know our sun sign – the position of the sun in a particular sign of the zodiac at the time of our birth – all the planets had a specific position at the time you were born. For example, for me the sun was in Capricorn, but the moon was in Leo. And my ascendant, which for most people is as decisive as their sun sign, was in Pisces. That already explains a lot… But also Venus, Jupiter, Mars and all the others were in a certain sign. And all of those planets represent a different part of you, so the astrologer-businessman explained to me, while my half-eaten pizza margarita now served as the moon in our simulated miniature universe. Moreover, even the positions of all of these planets in relation to each other (there we have those mathematical angles again) determine your unique personality and the behaviour you show. 

Every Sunday evening a live show is aired on the major social media channels hosted by a well-known, highly respected Italian lawyer who is an astrologer at the same time. By day in court, by night gazing the stars

It is one of the unexpected things with which Italy has enriched me: the wonderful world of astrology, something that for years, I really wasn’t interested in. And although not every single Italian is into it of course, it really is a part of the culture. Every Sunday evening a live show is aired on the major social media channels hosted by a well-known, highly respected Italian lawyer who is an astrologer at the same time. By day in court, by night gazing the stars. Thousands and thousands of Italians tune in to learn what awaits them that week, and to take his advice to heart. I love it when I hear people randomly say in a bar that it is only natural that you are experiencing some tension, because Mars and Saturn are not in a favourable position in relation to each other, or how you can totally blame your bad habit on your zodiac sign.

Guess what film is now on top of my list? 

And when I opened my social media over the weekend, I saw countless enthusiastic messages about a new Italian film that became trending instantly after its launch: “Guida astrologica per cuori infranti”, a film about how a young woman finally wants to find her true love by only dating men who are a perfect match for her according to their carta natale. Like two universes that magically come together. Guess what film is now on top of my list?