Weekly blog #120: Carnival, festival of colours

Towards the end of February, when each and everyone of us is done with that grey, dreary winter, people are eagerly awaiting the moment when spring will finally make its appearance. No more fifty-shades-of-grey skies, but bright blue skies instead. The orange glow of the first days of sunshine and the flowers that start to bloom so suddenly it surprises you every single year. Yellow daffodils, red tulips and blue and purple violets. The world literally gets its colour back, and although it cannot happen soon enough, it’s quite a transition. That is no different in Italy, even though those beautiful spring days appear a little earlier. Therefore, there are hundreds of rituals and traditions to celebrate the end of winter. One ritual in particular is very dear to me. A celebration that is carried by the sound of music in a whirlwind of bright colours. Of course, it’s carnival that I’m talking about. 

I had the honour to experience the Venetian Carnival myself in 2016 and know that it’s even more beautiful in real life than in photos. In fact, you really have to go there once in your life to witness it with your own eyes

And what I had not thought possible until very recently has now become reality: carnival is on! And not only in the Netherlands. The images from Venice, where people took to the streets and squares in the most beautiful costumes last week, have already reached me. People willingly and proudly let themselves be photographed in their gorgeous costumes. I had the honour to experience the Venetian Carnival myself in 2016 and know that it’s even more beautiful in real life than in photos. In fact, you really have to go there once in your life to witness it with your own eyes. A few hundred kilometres more southwards, in the coastal town of Viareggio in Tuscany, the world-famous parade is making its way through the streets this week. It’s an absolute must-see too. The floats are simply breath-taking. Enormous tigers and the heads of political world leaders spinning around on top of them; it makes it almost impossible to believe that the works of art are made of papier-mâché. And here’s a tip: for all those who do not manage to get tickets, the Italian channel Rai3 will broadcast the parade on Tuesday the first of March, which can be followed online too. 

It has been three years since I last celebrated carnival, and that means that my own costumes have been hidden away in a chest for all those years

But no Italian carnival for me this year. At the very first rumours that carnival could possibly go on in the south of the Netherlands, friends started lobbying in an attempt to persuade me to celebrate it here. In the town where I have celebrated it so many times before. Where I have seen the inside of almost every single café during carnival. Where I remember the words of every song that is played. There’s no doubt the town can use a bit of colour after a long and grey winter in lockdown. It has been three years since I last celebrated carnival, and that means that my own costumes have been hidden away in a chest for all those years. Having almost forgotten what’s in there, I already had a look last week. I found colourful leggings, panther prints, metallic skirts, a bright red jacket and so much more. Too much stuff to wear in just a few days’ time, but one thing’s for sure: if it’s up to me, the town will get that colour, and she will get very soon. 

I don’t think that, in recent history, the world has ever needed colour as much as it needs it now

I don’t think that, in recent history, the world has ever needed colour as much as it needs it now. Lots of colours, in all different shades. Applied to faces and to the streets. Incorporated into the finest costumes, and into the darkest but cosiest cafes. But especially in the hearts and minds of people where springtime is finally arriving too. From the Netherlands to Italy and far beyond. And that’s precisely the greatest gift hidden in those few colourful days of carnival at the end of winter.

1 thought on “Weekly blog #120: Carnival, festival of colours”

  1. What a wonderful blog! I love your experiences and how beautifully express them. Just Special! I too experienced spring in Venice right before Covid and you are 100 percent correct
    It was like falling down a rabbit hole into this Amazing world! Now you have me so wanting to experience it in the Netherlands as well. I love your blogs and your every post. You are beautiful and Special! ❤

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