
#50 Viva la Dottoressa (English)

Twenty October 2016 – four years ago already – I was officially crowned as Dottoressa, Master of Science. Literally speaking, as you can see in the picture above. The whole day I proudly walked through the centre of Amsterdam with a laurel wreath on my head. I had obtained my Master’s degree in Business Administration after …

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#50 Viva la Dottoressa (Nederlands)

Twintig oktober 2016 – alweer vier jaar geleden – werd ik officieel tot Dottoressa, Master of Science, gekroond. Letterlijk gesproken, zoals je op bovenstaande foto wel ziet. De hele dag paradeerde ik trots met een lauwerkrans op mijn hoofd door het centrum van Amsterdam. Ik had mijn mastertitel behaald in Business Administration na eerst een jaar in …

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#50 Viva la Dottoressa (Italiano)

Venti ottobre 2016 – già quattro anni fa – sono stata ufficialmente incoronata Dottoressa, Master of Science. Letteralmente, come puoi vedere nella foto qui sopra. Per tutto il giorno ho camminato con orgoglio per il centro di Amsterdam con una corona d’alloro in testa. Avevo ottenuto il mio Master in Business Administration dopo due anni di studi: prima …

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