
#66 La Meteoropatia (English)

In these times where contact with friends is largely digital, the stream of voice messages coming in often seems endless. Sometimes it even feels like a parttime job to listen to them all and then answer them too, especially if, like me, you’re not exactly the person that can keep things short. The simple question “come …

#66 La Meteoropatia (English) Read More »

#64 The Inferno of January (English)

We’re in the middle of winter. Inverno, in Italian. Not to be confused with inferno, which means hell. By now, I have a good memory of the meaning of the two words, which differ only by one letter, but until last year it sometimes happened that I mixed them up by accident. Then I would say inferno instead of inverno during …

#64 The Inferno of January (English) Read More »

#63 White magic (English)

It is the paradox of this time. Just like everywhere else in the world, the COVID-situation in Italy keeps changing day by day (hello British and South African variants) but at the same time it feels like as if we have been in exactly the same mess for almost a year now. However, there is …

#63 White magic (English) Read More »