#88 L’Italia chiamò (English)

Whát an evening. Whát an emotion. After 53 years, the azzurri are once again the very best of Europe. It’s true, Italy won the European Championship final against England. But what a match it was. The nerves were palpable in the air all day and when the streets and piazze started to get crowded around eight o’clock, you could see the tension on everyone’s face. It was a sultry, balmy summer’s evening, just as a European Championship final should be lived. After the kick-off, we all collectively held our breath for the full hundred and twenty minutes, while our heart rate and blood pressure rose every single second. I don’t need to tell you how Italy exploded after that final penalty. The emotion was simply indescribable. The Italian newspapers of today spoke of a pride and joy that hasn’t been seen since the 2006 World Cup final. Because yes, last night everyone wanted to be a little bit Italian, and Italy was present in everyone’s heart. 

All their tension roared out in that one verse and chorus, while the blue sky rapidly disappeared behind a thick smoke of fireworks, hundreds of Italian flags waved in the air

Of course, the big climax just before midnight was the most beautiful moment of the evening, and for many Italians probably the highlight of recent years. But the moment that I will remember most of all was witnessing the dedication and passion with which the Italians sang the national anthem before the match. Or rather, shouted along. All their tension roared out in that one verse and chorus, while the blue sky rapidly disappeared behind a thick smoke of fireworks, hundreds of Italian flags waved in the air. A beautiful anthem with a great sense of drama, and by singing it on the top of their lungs, sixty million Italians sent their hopes, prayers and positive energy straight to Wembley Stadium in London. And since I’ve received so many positive comments of you when I translated Italy’s winning song at the Eurovision Song Contest for my Monday blog, I decided to do the same for the national anthem today. Well, just the first verse and chorus, exactly what is sung before the match:

Fratelli d’Italia – Brothers of Italy

L’Italia s’è desta – Italy has awakened

Dell’elmo di Scipio – Scipio’s helmet

S’è cinta la testa – She has put on her head

Dov’è la Vittoria? – Where is Vittoria? / Where is the victory?

Le porga la chioma – Offer her the hair

Ché schiava di Roma – Because slave of Rome

Iddio la creò – God created her 


Stringiamci a coorte! – Let us unite!

Siam pronti alla morte – We are ready to die

Siam pronti alla morte – We are ready to die

L’Italia chiamò – Italy called

Stringiamci a coorte! – Let us unite!

Siam pronti alla morte – We are ready to die

Siam pronti alla morte – We are ready to die

L’Italia chiamò. Sì! – Italy called. Yes! 

And it would be a long, very long night. Viva gli azzurri!