
#88 L’Italia chiamò (English)

Whát an evening. Whát an emotion. After 53 years, the azzurri are once again the very best of Europe. It’s true, Italy won the European Championship final against England. But what a match it was. The nerves were palpable in the air all day and when the streets and piazze started to get crowded around eight o’clock, you could …

#88 L’Italia chiamò (English) Read More »

#87 Viva gli Azzurri (English)

As you most probably know, Italy played the quarter-final of the European Football Championship against Belgium last Friday. Their 2-1 win set the whole of Rome on fire. After a year of endless lockdowns, curfews and social distancing, the Italians celebrated it as if they had already won the cup. Down the lungotevere, the wide road …

#87 Viva gli Azzurri (English) Read More »

#84 Solely good things (English)

And suddenly, there was a shift last week. The long-awaited turnaround. As if everything, after being endlessly delayed and postponed, suddenly gained momentum. It was a week full of positive news that I had not seen coming so soon. It’s possible again to book a last-minute ticket and jump on a plane the very same …

#84 Solely good things (English) Read More »