
Weekblog #112: 2021, Italy’s year, and mine too

Christmas is over already, and I truly hope you had a wonderful time. No matter where, how and with whom you have celebrated it, I especially hope that you have felt grateful, free and happy. That you were able to count all of your blessings, realising that the silver lining is always there, no matter …

Weekblog #112: 2021, Italy’s year, and mine too Read More »

#88 L’Italia chiamò (English)

Whát an evening. Whát an emotion. After 53 years, the azzurri are once again the very best of Europe. It’s true, Italy won the European Championship final against England. But what a match it was. The nerves were palpable in the air all day and when the streets and piazze started to get crowded around eight o’clock, you could …

#88 L’Italia chiamò (English) Read More »