Weekly blog #130: The Eurovision Song Contest in Turin, what exactly is happening?

Ciao! It’s from nowhere else but the beautiful city of Turin from where I am writing this blog right now. I arrived here yesterday in the afternoon, ready for the second Eurovision experience of my life. It seems hard to believe that almost an entire year has passed since Mäneskin took victory in Rotterdam. But it …

Weekly blog #130: The Eurovision Song Contest in Turin, what exactly is happening? Read More »

Weekblog #130: Het Eurovisie Songfestival in Turijn, wat staat er te gebeuren?

Ciao! Het is nergens anders dan de prachtige stad Turijn van waaruit ik deze blog nu schrijf. Gisteren in de namiddag kwam ik hier aan, klaar voor de tweede Eurovisie-ervaring van mijn leven. Soms kan ik het niet geloven dat het al bijna een jaar geleden is dat Mäneskin in Rotterdam de overwinning pakte. Maar toch …

Weekblog #130: Het Eurovisie Songfestival in Turijn, wat staat er te gebeuren? Read More »

Blog settimanale #130: L’Eurovision a Torino, cosa sta succedendo esattamente?

Ciao! È dalla bellissima città di Torino che sto scrivendo questo blog in questo momento. Sono arrivata qui ieri nel pomeriggio, pronta per la seconda esperienza l’Eurovision della mia vita. Sembra difficile credere che sia passato quasi un anno intero da quando i Mäneskin hanno vinto a Rotterdam. Ma è così e l’Eurovision ha preso il …

Blog settimanale #130: L’Eurovision a Torino, cosa sta succedendo esattamente? Read More »

Weekly blog #129: Oh Bella Ciao, week of national holidays in Italy

There are weeks, especially in spring, when you get a little confused about what day it is. Weeks in which Tuesday feels like Monday and Monday feels like Sunday. That is, of course, all because of the national holidays in this period. And right now, this is exactly the kind of week we’re having in …

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Weekblog #129: Oh Bella Ciao, week van de feestdagen in Italië

Je hebt van die weken, vooral in het voorjaar, waarin je je vergist in de dagen. Zo’n weken waarin dinsdag voelt als maandag, en maandag als zondag. Dat komt natuurlijk door de feestdagen die erin vallen. Zo’n week is het nu in Italië precies. We beginnen én eindigen de week met een nationale feestdag. Net …

Weekblog #129: Oh Bella Ciao, week van de feestdagen in Italië Read More »

Blog settimanale #129: Oh Bella Ciao, settimana delle feste in Italia

Ci sono settimane, specialmente in primavera, in cui ci si confonde un po’ su che giorno sia. Settimane in cui il martedì sembra lunedì e il lunedì sembra domenica. Questo è, ovviamente, tutto a causa delle feste nazionali in questo periodo. E adesso, questo è esattamente il tipo di settimana che stiamo vivendo in Italia. …

Blog settimanale #129: Oh Bella Ciao, settimana delle feste in Italia Read More »

Weekly blogpost #128: Spring in Italy, the season of the fashionistas

I dare say that I am a real weather girl. But maybe that’s kind of inherent to being born and raised in the Netherlands, as if it’s part of the collective Dutch identity. Before booking a holiday, the first thing you do is to check what’s the weather like at the destination of your choice. …

Weekly blogpost #128: Spring in Italy, the season of the fashionistas Read More »

Weekblog #128: Lente in Italië, het seizoen van de fashionista’s

Ik durf wel te stellen dat ik een echt weermeisje ben. Maar misschien is dat wel inherent aan het geboren en getogen in Nederland zijn, als zijnde een onderdeel van de Nederlandse identiteit. Voordat je een vakantie boekt, is het eerste dat je checkt hoe het weer op je beoogde bestemming is. Plan je een …

Weekblog #128: Lente in Italië, het seizoen van de fashionista’s Read More »

Blog settimanale #128: Primavera in Italia, la stagione delle fashioniste

Oserei dire che sono una vera weather girl: una ragazza del meteo. Ma forse questo è un po’ insito nell’essere nata e cresciuta nei Paesi Bassi, come se facesse parte dell’identità collettiva olandese. Prima di prenotare una vacanza, la prima cosa da fare è controllare com’è il tempo nella destinazione scelta. Quando si organizza una festa …

Blog settimanale #128: Primavera in Italia, la stagione delle fashioniste Read More »

Weekly blog #127: Olive branches, sunshine, smiles and good luck in Rome

Last Sunday was La Domenica delle Palme, or Palm Easter. Six years ago, my good friend Lucas and I were strolling through Rome on that particular Sunday. Unaware of the day it was, we passed a random church where someone handed us some olive branches. While Lucas looked a little puzzled at the branches he was …

Weekly blog #127: Olive branches, sunshine, smiles and good luck in Rome Read More »