
#49 Nothing but beautiful things (English)

The very kind pharmacist’s son, whom I met in August after the brutal street robbery, texted me a few days ago whether I’m almost returning. “Si si si si”, I wrote back, provided I’ll be testing negative at my corona test that is. Now that the infections are increasing dramatically in the Netherlands, the Italian government …

#49 Nothing but beautiful things (English) Read More »

#35 That first gelato (English)

I’m back! Back in the land of la dolce vita, but also the land where corona struck so hard. At the end of February, when I decided to dedicate ‘one blog’ to that crazy corona virus that we perhaps should start taking more seriously, I had no idea the virus would be present in every single …

#35 That first gelato (English) Read More »

#32 Un’opera d’arte (English)

Last Friday, Rome would have been the centre of Europe. In the Stadio Olimpico the 16th European Football Championship would have been kicked off. Millions would have watched impatiently how 22 men, one visibly nervous, the other with an almost surreal calmness over him, had walked towards the centre spot, Italian children walking besides them, while the …

#32 Un’opera d’arte (English) Read More »

#31 What’s in a name? (English)

When I registered myself at the student association in Amsterdam ten years ago and I had to put down my full name, I got a response of disbelief and a little laughter. Sorry, what’s your name?! Now, you perhaps wonder what’s so strange about the name Anne. Well, nothing really. The amazement had everything to do with my two middle names: Godefrida Jacoba. I am named after …

#31 What’s in a name? (English) Read More »

#25 Oh Bella Ciao (English)

Last Tuesday night, or actually it was already Wednesday as it was after midnight, the phone rang. My aunt called to ask if she could come to our place immediately, together with her husband and dog. Family that wants to stay over is not exactly what you expect when the whole country is in quarantine, …

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